This Midwestern state engaged BidBridge to purchase duty boots for its police force. The bid consisted of four line items: male duty boots, female duty boots, male shoes and female shoes. The bid also included an option for oversized charges for shoes over size 15.
A total of 5 suppliers competed on the four line items, totaling 1050 pairs of both shoes and boots. Four of the five suppliers were in state vendors with the fifth supplier being located in the neighboring state.
The 44 minute event yielded 40 bids placed for the male and female boots and 50 total bids for the male and female shoes. The lace up duty boots (male and female) proved to be the most competitive elements of the bid, both resulting in 25 first place turnovers and 42 time extensions.
At the conclusion of the event, the state had saved nearly 34% versus budget for the 1050 pairs of police boots. With a 0.02% and 0.3% difference between first and second place for the duty boots and shoes, respectively, the state can feel confident true market value was achieved through partnering with BidBridge for this purchase.